Dr. Shalesh Kaushal, our Ocala, FL board-certified retina surgeon, uses EYLEA for anti-VEGF medication treatments. It is FDA approved to treat age-related wet macular degeneration, and to prevent the growth of abnormal blood vessels that can cause vision loss and retinal scarring. We at Comprehensive Retina Consultants believe EYLEA may be more beneficial in addressing these conditions than other options, as the medication is longer lasting and requires fewer treatments for optimal results. The injectable anti-VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor) inhibitor works by blocking the protein that causes the growth of abnormal blood vessels.
The EYLEA injection is a short outpatient procedure performed in our Ocala office. Before the injection is given, the eye and surrounding area will be cleaned to prevent infection. Next, the eye will be numbed with a local anesthetic. Finally, a fine needle will be used to inject the EYLEA medication into the eye. For the first three months, patients will likely receive injections every four weeks. Afterward, patients can expect injections to be spaced out in two month intervals.
EYLEA does not typically cause great discomfort or lasting side effects, but should either arise (especially intraocular pressure), patients should contact Dr. Kaushal for advice. Many have reported a halt in the progression of their vision loss after EYLEA treatments, while some patients’ vision have simply remained the same without issue. In addition, patients who were headed toward total vision loss have reported intact vision for a number of years following treatment.
Comprehensive Retina Consultants offers a number of injectable anti-VEGF medications found to treat vision loss and eye conditions. However, we feel confident that EYLEA may be a leader among them. To find out more about this innovative product or to learn if EYLEA may be the answer to your vision loss questions, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Kaushal today.