Board-certified Ocala, FL retina surgeon, Dr. Shalesh Kaushal, works with a number of patients who are diagnosed with posterior vitreous detachment, also known as PVD. This condition occurs when the clear gel substance (the vitreous) that fills the space between the lens and the retina becomes diseased or experiences trauma. PVD is diagnosed specifically when the vitreous membrane separates from the retina. When this occurs, patients can experience a loss of vision, blurry vision, or in severe cases, blindness. This retina condition is common and roughly 75% of the 65+ age population has a form of it. Research studies targeting the retina have also found that this condition affects more women than men. Dr. Kaushal offers a number of treatment options to help patients who are suffering from PVD.
The retina is protected by a substance known as vitreous gel, a jelly-like, stiff consistency predominantly made of water and collagen. As a person ages, various structures of the eye, including this gel, can change. This makes the substance more watery and not as strong, which creates potential changes to its shape. When this occurs, the risk of this gel moving away from the retina at the back of the eye to the front or center of the eye can occur. This can lead to symptoms such as floaters, flashes of light, blurry vision, or disoriented sight similar to if a web was placed over the eye. While PVD is not a serious condition, it can lead to additional problems if not treated, such as a retinal tear. Dr. Kaushal will provide a thorough exam and treat the condition so that further problems do not occur.
PVD is a condition that is treatable, especially if caught early. It’s important to receive a thorough eye exam as soon as symptoms begin, as PVD can sometimes be confused with a retinal tear or detachment. Dr. Kaushal will perform a comprehensive exam that includes dilating the eye so even the smallest issue can be seen. If PVD is caught early prior to any other condition developing, treatment can help prevent further vision loss or the progression of the retinal disorder.
Dr. Kaushal will most likely perform a vitrectomy, which removes the vitreous gel substance from the center of the eye to help reduce the appearance of floaters and blurry vision. This procedure is successful in most cases if a retinal tear or detachment has not occurred. In these situations, other forms of surgery will need to be considered. Most PVD patients will not experience floaters or flashes once treatment has been received and in many cases, further checkups for PVD are not needed. However, Dr. Kaushal recommends annual routine checkups so he can ensure the retina remains healthy and in good condition.
We at Comprehensive Retina Consultants of Ocala, FL invite you to call our office so we can provide a thorough eye exam. PVD is a very common eye condition among the elderly that can be diagnosed and treated by Dr. Kaushal. If you are experiencing symptoms such as floaters, flashes of light, or the onset of blurry vision, schedule your consultation today.