Ocular trauma refers to an incident that results in an injury to the eye. Many times this is caused by a foreign object becoming lodged in the eye, creating tears, lacerations, or vision obstruction. Ocular trauma can be a minor case or a very severe and serious issue, such as corneal lacerations or a ruptured globe, that may require surgery. The first step to preserving eyesight and treating an eye injury is to consult with a trained medical professional. Dr. Shalesh Kaushal, board-certified Ocala, FL retina surgeon, is able to assess the injury and perform the necessary retinal tests to help prevent any further damage and vision loss. He is also able to offer the necessary treatments and surgical operations to help remove the obstruction. Patients suffering from ocular trauma should schedule a consultation with Comprehensive Retina Consultants so our staff can help restore their eye function.
Ocular trauma is generally the result of a work or sports accident with the large majority of patients being males, most of whom are under the age of 30. An injury occurs from a foreign object becoming lodged in the retina or scratching the eye, as well as being hit by a blunt force object or becoming exposed to toxic chemicals. Various symptoms can include:
- Eye pain in general
- Redness or discoloration
- Swelling or bleeding
- Discomfort when blinking or moving the eye
- Irregularity in the pupils
Before administering any treatment, it is very important for Dr. Kaushal to pinpoint the extent of the damage and ensure other areas of the body have not been harmed. The first step is for him to gain an accurate understanding of the patient’s full medical history and learn about how the injury occurred. This will help him determine which tests or diagnostics need to be performed. He will then check for visual acuity to see the patient’s reception to light. He will perform a complete retinal exam and check every aspect of the eye to determine exactly what is injured, typically employing instruments such as a slit lamp and an indirect ophthalmoscope. In other cases, if the view is obstructed, it may be necessary to perform a CT scan. The next step is to determine if the globe has been ruptured or if it is a closed wound. The results of each of these exams will determine how the injury will be treated. It is important to note that each case is unique and will be treated as such depending on the level of trauma.
The patient’s prognosis will be determined by how quickly the injury is treated and if there will be any permanent vision issues as a result. It will also depend on the extent of the injury, as some cases can be minor and require minimal treatment and recovery time.
Treatment will vary greatly depending on the kind of injury that is inflicted. For minor cases, flushing of the eye, wearing an eyepatch, or simple extraction of a foreign object may be all that is needed and will generally not require a hospital stay. In some cases, antibiotics may be prescribed if an infection is probable or suspected. In more serious trauma cases, emergency or delayed surgery may need to be performed. Cases such as rupturing of the globe, corneal lacerations, compartment syndrome (when the orbital area becomes filled with liquid or air), or optic nerve compression will all usually result in a hospital stay, and will need close monitoring afterward and for the rest of the patient’s life.
Dr. Kaushal is a board-certified retina specialist and is highly equipped to help treat ocular trauma from minor to severe cases.
Full recovery from ocular trauma is highly dependent on your ability to seek immediate medical attention, and the first evaluation after the accident is crucial. That’s why it’s important to receive help from experienced retina specialists like Dr. Kaushal, who can determine the appropriate steps and treatments to restore your health and preserve your vision as best as possible. Call our Ocala, FL office today if you’re suffering from an eye injury.